Shameika L.H. Smith

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How to Practice Real Self-Care: No Spa Necessary

“Stress.” A word that most of us have said and a feeling most of us have felt so many times throughout this whirlwind of a year. I know that I’ve personally felt overwhelmed on waaaay too many occasions in recent months. However, taking care of myself both mentally and physically has helped me work around the stress factors in my life and stay happy and healthy during this period of stress. 

It’s important to know your body, and knowing how it responds to different emotions is even more important. Different emotions cause different chemicals in your body to react in specific ways, and some of these interactions can be dangerous. According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of stress is the “physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation.” Stress levels that your body isn’t able to handle can lead to negative impacts on your health, such as emotional exhaustion, physical illnesses, and a number of different mental health issues.

In the U.S., we recognize the first Wednesday in November as National Stress Awareness Day. Ironic, right? It’s almost as if we planned to celebrate it on the day after another known U.S. tradition that happens once every four years -  our Presidential Election. So, in honor of this year’s extra-stressful election, I’ll be giving you all of my tips on how to identify and reduce the stress factors in your life.

We all know that in the past few years we have learned loads about “self-care”. Self-care is not just about beauty routines and spa days; it involves working on yourself and committing to your daily growth and nourishment. 

Below are a few ways that you can reduce your levels of stress in your day-to-day life:


    • Poor choices in media consumption are just as damaging to your diet as poor choices in food. Allowing for negativity in all areas of your life can hinder how you think. Watching nothing but gossip shows, following people who make you feel like “crap,” and putting yourself last are not healthy for your spirit at all. I know that my mental health improved when I started unfollowing, muting, unfriending, blocking, and eliminating people who were messing with my mindset. Guys, it’s okay to remove the junk from your diet!


    • Your mental health is more important than other peoples’ opinions and events you said that you would attend. It’s totally okay to say no or that you changed your mind if you are not feeling up to going. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people don’t understand that when I say “no,” I mean it. Do not let peer pressure push you into being uncomfortable. 


    • Whew, you already know that I am the queen of setting boundaries and protecting them. Say this with me: “Anything I lose when I stand up for myself is something else gained. I don’t lose real friends, opportunities, or relationships when I stand up for myself.” You know what you like, you know what you don’t like. Stand your ground and protect yourself, especially your mentality. It is not fair to water others when you are unable to water yourself.


    • Your mental health will not improve if you keep searching for happiness in the same toxic people and places where you lost it to begin with. It is important not to allow yourself to venture back into a space where there’s nothing but negative energy. Let the thoughts of your plans for your future, keep you happy.


    • People will try to stop you from reaching your full potential - do not allow yourself to be one of them. You are full of light, you are full of love. YOU ARE LOVED. Saying affirmations and speaking life and love into yourself are absolutely key to maintaining your self-confidence. Here are some examples of affirmations that I say to myself on the daily:

      • I am loved by the people who care for me. 

      • I believe in, trust, and have confidence in myself.

      • I have been given endless talents which I utilize today.

      • Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas.

      • I am guided in my every step by God Who leads me towards what I must know and do.


    • Take an hour, a day, or even a week to do what you want. If you have sick leave or paid time off of work, use it. Taking some time for you can raise your vibration and improve your mentality exponentially. Read that book, watch that show on Netflix, take that walk, make time for yourself. Practicing self-care by doing an activity that brings you joy can help reduce stress simply by making you happy!


    • Journaling is such a helpful activity for reducing stress. Let out all of your emotions, worries, and fears. If something great happened that day, write it down. You don’t want a journal full of only negative thoughts. I am not a fan of writing things down in a notebook; I like things digital because I want to make sure I have them on me all the time. The app I use is called Reflectly. This app allows you to add photos and gives you writing prompts. I have the Basic (free) plan and it works just fine. However, if you’re interested in spending some coins, there are paid plans to choose from. I’ve started so many notebooks without making it halfway through. But since I always have my phone on me, I’m able to let it all out wherever I am!


    • I highly recommend seeking a therapist to work through your emotions and feelings with. But I also recommend calling up that family member or friend who brings you those warm, fuzzy feelings of effortless joy. Sometimes just hearing the voice of a loved one can help lower your stress. Call your grandparents, parents, best friends, or anyone you trust that you know will listen. If you are religious, pray. God listens to you and will always be there for you. “The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. He fulfills the desire of those who fear Him; He also hears their cry and saves them.” -Psalm 145:18-19

With 2020 being so chaotic, it is important to learn how to take care of yourself. You are the most important person in your life and you have to make sure you understand that. Reflect on 1-8 weekly for reminders.

Here is a checklist that you can save to help you out, also please pin on your Pinterest Board.

Stay safe, be healthy, and mindful of yourself. Remember, you come first

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